
Happy Mother's Day To All Working Moms!

Written by MPEX Business Solutions Support Team | May 10, 2023 3:23:37 PM

Sunday, May 14th, is Mother's Day in Quebec. It is traditionally a time to celebrate a mom's love, dedication, and unconditional support.

However, there is one category of moms that deserves special recognition. They are the ones who juggle their careers and their role as a mom with great success, flourishing in both areas every day.

Constantly faced with daily challenges, hectic schedules, and tight deadlines, working moms work hard to achieve their professional goals while remaining great mothers to their families. They still dedicate time and energy to be caring, responsible, and loving mothers.

There are super moms to celebrate at MPEX. There are super moms to celebrate at every company!

To these women, we want to say this:

We are impressed with your ability to balance and reconcile your work life with your family life. Your determination and strength of character are an inspiration to us all. We are proud of you. We thank you for all that you do. May this day make you feel loved and appreciated for all that you do.

To all the moms at MPEX and all the moms in all the companies, we wish you a wonderful Mother's Day.